Apple’s Back-To-School Teacher Discount


Apple laptops can now be purchased with discounts as part of an attractive back-to-school offer for educators and students.

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Technology in the classroom has become an indispensable aspect of teaching, with many schools adopting new tools into their curriculums to boost productivity. Therefore, educators, parents and other stakeholders seeking ways to cut expenses on tech purchases.

As an educator or teacher, if you qualify for Apple’s education pricing program you could save up to $400 off a Macbook Air or Pro! However, certain requirements must be fulfilled so please read on for more details.

Who Can Benefit from the Education Discount? Anyone working at or studying at a K-12 institution, college, university or homeschool program; homeschool teachers also qualify. School board and PTA executives may receive the discount.

How to Use It

In order to access education pricing, first create a UNiDAYS account (opens in new tab). Sign-up is free but may ask you for details such as your university and course details in order to verify whether or not you are student/educator.

Once you log into UNiDAYS, Apple will email you a verification code which can be used when purchasing Mac or iPad online and claiming your discount; alternatively you may call or visit your local store directly in order to take advantage of this offer.

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