Van Gogh Teacher Discount


Van Gogh teachers can take advantage of a special teacher discount at the Van Gogh Museum. There is an art education program dedicated to his works as well as opportunities to explore our collection.

Self-Portraits and Letters

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After studying a Van Gogh self-portrait, have students write a letter about him. Explain that shortly afterwards he painted two more self-portraits; one attempts to appear more serious and composed while the second seems more casual and relaxed.

Painting Techniques Van Gogh’s painting style underwent dramatic change while living in Paris. Inspired by artists like Paul Signac and Georges Seurat, his style evolved quickly as he adopted bolder brushstrokes and introduced unexpected combinations of colors into his compositions.

Vincent Van Gogh was an active letter writer. His letters provided a way for Jo to promote his art worldwide and develop his reputation.

Her efforts bore fruit; Van Gogh’s art became widely respected across the globe and his letters translated into several different languages, earning him the reputation as one of Western art history’s greatest masters.

Immersive Exhibitions

Recently, several major art cities have announced plans for immersive Van Gogh exhibits at museums. Connecticut will soon witness one such immersive show: Hartford is set to welcome “Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience.”

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