Soylent Teacher Discount


soylent teacher discount

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Teachers, nurse practitioners and medical professionals eligible for discounts of 10% can provide proof of their profession to Soylent to receive this benefit. Signing up for their mailing list also gives subscribers access to notifications regarding sales or other promotions that may be of interest.

While Soylent may often be mocked for its quirky science fiction references and brogrammer-inducing fridge and label tear shots, its latest Series B funding of $50 million from GV (formerly Google Ventures) as well as prior investors Lerer Hippeau and Andreessen Horowitz indicates its success and allows the company to expand traditional retail distribution, create new products, and increase global market share.

Soylent offers plant-based meals, powders and bars designed to provide complete nutrition. Their goal is to produce their products using sustainable production processes while staying within budget; additionally they conduct outreach programs promoting healthy living in communities across the world.

Soylent rarely goes on sale, making this an excellent opportunity to try the brand if you have been considering subscribing. Save on your first order using promo code 10PRODAN when checking out at their site; the coupon is valid through August 2023. Alternatively, Amazon offers an auto-ship program which saves 5% per order totals; to find out more click here.

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