Highlights Magazine Teacher Discount


highlights magazine teacher discount

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Highlights has been providing educational fun for over 75 years, providing children up to the age of 12 with reading comprehension, reasoning skills and logic reasoning while teaching respect and sensitivity. Subscription to Highlights allows kids’ imaginations to flourish freely while building strong foundations for future learning – shop Rakuten today to save on favorite kid products while earning Cash Back rewards while you do it!

Garry Cleveland Meyers and Caroline Clark Meyers founded Highlights in Honesdale, Pennsylvania in 1946 as nationally recognized educators of child development and education. To share what they had learned with others, they published a monthly children’s magazine with stories, games, puzzles, riddles, brainteasers and hidden pictures – quickly becoming a hit and leading them to create additional products aimed at children.

Highlights offers several magazines tailored for specific segments of readers, and book clubs featuring different titles. Timbertoes follows the misadventures of a wooden family and Goofus and Gallant comic strips illustrate contrasting actions to help children build social skills. Furthermore, Highlights magazine also has an “Your Own Pages” section where readers can submit art, poetry or stories.

Children can play, learn and be entertained by Highlights’ award-winning books for all three. Puzzle and joke books, science titles and nature titles are particularly well received by readers. Highlights also offers digital games, videos and podcasts that teach fundamental skills such as spelling.

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